" F L O W E R "


Hello bello!

" I would rather wear flowers in my hair than diamonds around my neck "

Knock knock, who there? Hey, welcome to my world, let's dance in the rain :D Iam Neymar Wife

We can chatting here

Be nice. Dont be anonim. Dont use harsh words.

©Template make by Adila. Base code Zaty. Some code from Jaera.

(。◕‿◕。) anGan2 ku teLah tercapaI }
Friday, December 14 | 4:01 pm | 0Comment

duLu masa kat bel0g eirah yg ke-2 , eirah ade buat BLOGLIST kat bel0g tuhh . nk taw ape yg eirah tulis kat situu ? eirah nk f0ll0wer bel0g seramai 50 0rg ! sekaranG , bukan 50 org ! tp dh mencecah ke 60 0rg ! hahaha. xsangka eirah .bel0g yg x0hsemm , buruk tp c0meL nihh pun ramai f0ll0wer . apepun eirah nk ucapkan kamsamidha kat k0rang . klau bukan k0rang yg menGf0ll0w bel0g eirah . . mesti x kan tercapai anGan2 eirah tuhh . kelah nk blah dlu . . dadadaddadad

*nty kalau k0rang nk tut0riaL & freebies , cariLah kat bel0g kedua eirah taw :
(copy and paste jer)